Mayor's Column

Mayor’s Column — Halloween Weekend

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Mayor’s Column October 28th, 2023
Rohn Bishop, Mayor of Waupun

Boo Waupun!

By a quirk of the calendar, I had a relatively quiet week as mayor, with no meetings, so for the first time in a long time, I was home for dinner every night this week.

Last weekend, I enjoyed spending Saturday at the annual Kickin’ for Keven event. It was great to see Waupun come together for a fun event in support of a great cause.

Once again, this weekend, Waupun has a lot going on! On Saturday we have the Main St. Trick-or-Treating Downtown Waupun at 1, followed by the residential trick-or-treating from 4-6. With five hours of trick or treating, this should be a spooktacular opportunity for kiddos to get lots of candy! During the downtown trick-or-treating stop by the Mayor’s candy stand and say hello!

As you may have seen, they’ve begun moving dirt for the new senior/community center. The project is scheduled to be finished in just under a year.

The city budget process is nearing completion. It’s a good budget that invests in our priorities, including repairs to city hall and the Carnegie Library buildings.

Yard waste clean-up continues. Expect to see me out there with the Public Works crew soon helping to suck up your leaves and old pumpkins.

Have a fun weekend and Happy Halloween!

Mayor Rohn