Mayor's Column

Mayor’s Column — City Administration and New Community Center

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Mayor’s Column April 15th, 2023
Rohn Bishop, Mayor of Waupun

Hello Waupun!

This past week was National Public Safety Telecommunications Week, a week set aside as a thank you to those who have a most challenging job, that as a 911 emergency dispatcher. I’d like to thank all the 911 dispatchers, but especially those at the Fond du Lac County Emergency Government Center, whom the City of Waupun works with.  I’d like to also thank Council President Pete Kaczmarski, a retired dispatcher himself, for representing Waupun and attending the Fond du Lac County Dispatch Center open house. Pete was able to thank them for their behind-the-scenes jobs, and to deliver a Mayoral Proclamation from me thanking them. The calmness and professionalism of our local 911 emergency government officials is something to be admired!

On Thursday, Waupun was fortunate to be visited by the State of Wisconsin’s Secretary of the Department of Administration, Kathy Blumenfeld!  Secretary Blumenfeld came to Waupun for an update on our new Senior/Community Center project, and stopped in for yoga class at our current Senior Center location. Secretary Blumenfeld was able to meet with members of the center, to learn all about the cool programs we offer for our senior population, and the plans we have for a new community center at the McKinley Street sight.  Secretary Blumenfeld seemed to really enjoy her first visit to Waupun and I think I talked her into a return visit, when she’ll tour our new wastewater treatment plant and the Shaler sculptures!

Speaking of the new Senior/Community Center, we are really looking for it to being a new community center!  A building that will primarily be a senior center during the day, but also a community center for all. With a full-size gym, and areas for citizens of all ages to stay active, especially during the Winter months, we want this new building to be as asset for all of Waupun.  As you know, the current community center is primarily used as the home to Waupun Hockey during the Winter months. 

As for hockey, the city is entering into a new contract with Waupun Hockey Assocation for use of the building. This contract is being done now, largely to help Waupun Hockey lock in on prices for the new floor refrigeration system. Replacing the floor isn’t cheap, and we’re looking for sponsors to help, and this includes selling the naming rights to the building. If you’re someone who’d like to see youth hockey continue to thrive, and have the means, and would be interested in giving a legacy donation, please let me know.

Lastly, I was asked this week if we’re replacing the Mill Pond fountain, and the answer is YES! The Waupun Community Fund, led by Tyler Schultz, has secured the monies necessary for a new fountain, and the common council did approve purchasing a new fountain.  As with everything right now, we’re waiting on the supply chain, but the new fountain should be operational by mid-Summer.  Tyler and I are going to plan a fun little ceremony to thank the donors and then turn on the fountain!  Stay tuned!

Thank you and God Bless,
Mayor Rohn