Mayor’s Column November 4th, 2023
Rohn Bishop, Mayor of Waupun
Hello Waupun!
If you’re a user of our local library, you’ve likely noticed the beautiful artwork of flying geese on the wall, level with the balcony. There’s kind of a neat story to that piece of art titled, “Geese in Flight.”
“Geese in Flight” was made by Clarence Shaler and he gave it to the Rock River Country Club. In 1994 the Rock River Country Club had run out of room, and the RRCC Board of Directors decided to lend it to the Waupun Public Library. In an April 1994 letter to Historical Society President Jim Laird, from Wayne Buteyn, Secretary of the RRCC board, it is written “a motion passed… to lend the “Geese in Flight” picture to the City of Waupun Public Library with the stipulation that we may ask for it back at any time and that we maintain ownership of the picture.”
Since then, the picture “Geese in Flight” has been on display at the library; about 30 years now. A lot has changed over 30 years, including ownership of the golf course and available space there. Andy Glewen, the current owner of what is now “The Bridges at the Rock” which also makes him owner of the “Geese in Flight” picture, has requested that the geese fly home soon.
So, in the near future, you’ll be seeing a crew removing the artwork from the library and returning it to the golf course, and at the library, we’ll be looking for a new Waupun themed piece of art. More on that moving forward!!
City flags are for sale at the city hall front desk! Just pop in and see Super Jenny to buy a flag. They’re not cheap, coming in at $92, but they are high quality and should last you a year if flown everyday outside.
Work on the new Senior/Community Center is progressing as that project is finally off and running. Donations and sponsorships have been coming in, and I’ll have exciting news about that in the coming weeks.
Finally, yard waste collection continues. With the heavy leaf loss this past week, and now lots of pumpkins on the curb, it’s slowing down the crew as it takes longer to clean everything up. The crew has a map and gets through the city and then begins again. We do ask that you try not to park in front of a leaf pile, because the crew can’t get to it, and we’re not going to risk scratching a car to suck up the leaves.
Thank you and God Bless
Mayor Rohn