Mayor's Column

Mayor’s Column — Christmas Fundraiser and Previous Representatives

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Mayor’s Column December 14, 2024
Rohn Bishop, Mayor of Waupun

Hello Waupun!  And Happy Christmas season!

This week, I had the privilege of helping with the Christmas Lights tours sponsored by My Property Shoppe and Jodi Mallas. I met a reindeer, chatted with Santa, and had a delicious hot chocolate from Casey Kohler. 

This Sunday, The Other Bar is having a Meat Raffle/Fundraiser and toy drive in support of Waupun Holiday Help. Waupun is a great community that donates and pours out our love for people who need help. Holiday Help buys presents for kids who are less fortunate, and guarantees every kid has a Merry Christmas. Not because getting stuff is cool, although it is, but because all kids deserve to have a Merry Christmas and to partake in the celebration of the birth of our savior.  The Meat Raffle/Fundraiser/Toy Drive begins at 3pm on Sunday. I hope to see you there…. and bring your checkbook.

As the year comes to an end, Waupun will officially be represented in Madison by our new State Senator and State Representative. With this change, Waupun will no longer be represented by Senator Dan Feyen and Representative Michael Schraa. I wanted to take this opportunity to thank both Senator Feyen and Representative Schraa for their service, and for representing Waupun in the state legislature over this past decade. Whether you agree with them or not politically, both gentlemen would stick up and fight for Waupun, and both put up with me when I’d be advocating for our city, and I know I can be a pain the you know what!

On a personal note, both guys are good friends of mine, and I helped them both in their very first runs for office. I actually worked in Senator Feyen’s office for a while. I remember when Dan first announced he was going to run for senator. I wrote the press release and very few people gave him a chance. But Dan worked really hard, knocked on every door, went to every event, and in the end won decisively.  I learned from watching Dan how hard work, and being commented to doing your best, can pay off. I have looked up to Dan, and that’s the work ethic I’ve tried to bring as Mayor. I’m thankful to both Rep. Schraa and Sen Feyen and wish them well. 

Thank you, Waupun and God Bless,

Mayor Rohn