Mayor's Column

Mayor’s Column — City Building Updates and Code Enforcement

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Mayor’s Column July 27, 2024
Rohn Bishop, Mayor of Waupun

Hello Waupun!

A few weeks ago, during a severe thunderstorm, the Waupun City Hall was struck by lightning. The building absorbed the strike; however, it did blow out the panel in the elevator. With a presidential election coming up, we’re going to buy or rent a new control panel and keep the elevator safely operating, and we will likely be purchasing a new elevator next year. The current elevator is 40 years old, having been installed when the building was remodeled in 1989. 

Those of you older than me will remember, the Police and Fire Departments used to be located in the lower level of the city hall, and there even was a jail! I’m 44 and vaugly remember that, but I remember attending the open house of the remodeled city hall with my parents. I am excited to say that we’re working towards new bids for the city hall roof and the museum tuck pointing. It appears we may begin a city hall remodeling project for the near future. The building needs an elevator, carpet, boiler, roof, and some tech upgrades. There are challenges owning such an historic building, but it is a cool building!

In other news, the water heater at the aquadic centere went kaput. We’re waiting on a repair person to give us details on a repair/replacement, however it may be a while until we get it fixed. In the meantime, the good news is a heat wave is approaching with temps around 90 and uncomfortable humidity, so the pool should remain warm enough to stay open but cooler than usual. If it’s really 90 degrees, with a real feel of 100+ it’ll feel great!

Since last week’s column I’ve gotten quite a bit of feedback to keep the heat up on code violations, and we are. And not just in business districts. On Maxon Street we have begun the process of a raze order on an abandoned home that’s falling in on itself. On Franklin St, behind the PD, there’s a dumpy house that hasn’t been lived in for years, and the unkempt look is troubling. Waupun is too awesome a community and doesn’t have to put up with slumlords and absentee owners who don’t care. We will continue to clean up our wonderful city. We deserve it!

Thank you, Waupun and God Bless,

Mayor Rohn