WAUPUN — Lions Club of Waupun hosted their 15th Annual Golf Outing at The Rock Golf Club last Friday, holding several fundraiser events for local organizations including the Waupun Fire Department. The Golf Outing is an all-day event which included several rounds of golf for all participants, silent auction, raffle baskets, and the “Golf Ball Drop” at the end of the day.
The Lions Club Golf Classic rules on a “Scratch Scramble” best ball. Registration began at 9am with the game starting at 10am. 57 attendees participated in 14 teams. A putt challenge was also available for play at the back deck. Silent auction results and raffle drawings were announced at 3:30pm.
The Golf Ball Drop was held at 4:30pm, where 855 golf balls were dropped from the top of the Waupun Fire Department’s ladder truck. The balls were dropped from about 50-60 feet off the ground and judged based on their distance from a target on the grass. Proceeds from the fundraiser will go to the Waupun Fire Department.
The drop’s first place winner of $1,000 was Michelle Brokish, a former Waupun resident currently living in Spring Green. Second place reward was the “tailgate package” which was won by Jill Huth. Third place “lemonade making package,” winner Bill Walker. Another prize was also awarded to the ball that landed furthest from the target, “The Drunken Duck” basket to Toni Weiss.
The Rock Golf Club livestreamed the golf ball drop on their official Facebook page, a recording of which can be viewed here: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid02XZsMp4hMuEsxiBipstzkjoTXDLUNHkoCgZru6HSs2DJuNgvmc7vfDmd4EoeW2hQjl&id=100067061028305