
Waupun Utilities Volunteers Time to Help Serve Community Table

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WAUPUN — Workers of Waupun Utilities lent a hand this weekend at the Waupun Community Table, which in association with the Waupun Food Pantry offers free warm meals and packed lunches for all members of the community. The Waupun Food Pantry houses and finances the weekly meals at 16 S. Mill Street in downtown Waupun.

Operated by volunteers from local organizations, the purpose of the Community Table is to provide a safe place where community members can enjoy fellowship for no cost. Churches, clubs, school groups, and other local organizations pitch in to serve less fortunate members of the community through these meal fellowship programs. Ron Schaalma, the organizer of the Community Table, also hosts a weekly Bible Study each Wednesday at 2:00pm with a social snack hour from 3:00pm to 4:00pm.

“We’ve been open since April 8th this year and this is the busiest we’ve been,” organizer Ron Schaalma said Friday while Waupun Utilities was serving meals. The helpers estimated they had served over thirty lunches by noon, both in person and packed. Relying on volunteer help, the Community Table sometimes struggles to get enough people despite the community needs.

The Community Table is open from 11:00am to 1:00pm on Fridays. The Waupun Food Pantry is open from 9:00am to 3:00pm Monday through Thursday and can be contacted at (920) 324-4000. Local organizations or members of the community can sign up to help prepare and serve meals by contacting the Food Pantry during office hours. Any questions about the Food Pantry and Community Table can be directed to Terri Respalje and Ron Schaalma.

From left to right: Waupun Utilities employees Jeff Stanek, Christina Keller, Madi DeBeor, Ashley Apfelbech, Steve Brooks, and Community Table Organizer Ron Schaalma.