Mayor's Column

Mayor’s Column — City Government and Abandoned RV

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Mayor’s Column August 3, 2024
Rohn Bishop, Mayor of Waupun

Hello Waupun,

If you follow city government in the news you may have read that at our last meeting on Tuesday, I was cranky and ranted a little. The reason for this is my frustration with how slow government works and that we have several issues we need to resolve, but don’t. We’ll meet and discuss them, and then progress slows or stops. 

This isn’t any one person’s fault; we have a lot to take care of, limited staff, and a part-time mayor. But, at the end of the day, as mayor, the buck stops with me. It’s my responsibility to see these projects through. So, with that I may well be calling a special meeting or two of the council to address these issues. 

What are the issues?

1. Code enforcement issues. Cleaning up some slummy properties
2. Urban Chicken permit update
3. Purchase Policy—so we can buy more locally.
4. Purchasing the fire truck
5. Fixing up city hall and city museum.
6. Replacing a DPW truck that was totaled out, and why the insurance of the person who hit our truck seems to be hosing us. 

If you haven’t read the Waupun Pioneer News article from Wednesday about our meeting, I encourage you to do so. 

If you’re like me, you’ve likely noticed an RV beached in the Park View parking lot at 1100 W. Main St. I asked our Police Department what was up with it and here’s the scoop. To make a long story short, the RV owner got permission from Tractor Supply to park it in the lot because it was breaking down soon after it was purchased. It was not registered due to a new purchase.   The destination was Manitowoc, WI.  After a few days, Tractor Supply called the owner to move it as it was blocking their merchandise.  Apparently, the owner came and moved it to Village Gardens. 

At this point, the owner claims to be working with AAA to get it towed.  He was given some time to do this but since a significant time has now passed, the PD issued a formal written warning which will expire in a week.  After that, the owner will be cited daily for it. 

The LLC that owns the entire parking lot was also contacted and informed that since this is “private property”, it is their responsibility to remove it or face citations as well. Granted, they can have it towed at any time.

If all else fails, the PD may have to look into the city removing it as “abandoned” property but that will be an expensive tow, storage and legal fees. 

It literally is a “big” pain but the PD is doing all they can at this point due to it being on “private” property.

Thank you and God Bless,

Mayor Rohn