Mayor’s Column October 14th, 2023
Rohn Bishop, Mayor of Waupun
Hello Waupun!
This week, I had the honor of welcoming attendees of the Algae Biomass Conference to Waupun and the new ABNR Wastewater treatment plant addition. When I first ran for mayor, attending an Algae Biomass Conference was nothing I thought I’d ever be at, I mean, intelligence and Rohn are rarely used in the same sentence, but it was an honor to welcome all those visitors to Waupun. We are very fortunate to have both the best drinking water, and now the cleanest waste water discharge in all of America, meaning we are one the most environmentally friendly cities in the country! And this technology is located here in Waupun! How cool is that?! Waupun really has become Wisconsin’s Clean Water City!
This week at the Board of Public Works meeting, it was agreed that some property on Mayfair Street on the South end of the high school is where the Community Garden will be located. This gives the gardeners plenty of parking, some light, and access to water.
What an incredible weekend we had celebrating the Centennial of the Recording Angel! The rededication ceremony was a spectacle, and the Waupun Community Players did a great job with “A Poison Pen Letter to an Angel!” I hope the Shaler’s would appreciate what we did this weekend, celebrating the legacy of Waupun’s most prominent family.
As a community, I hope Waupun commits to celebrating the centennials of the End of the Trail in 2029, the Dawn of Day in 2031, and the Pioneers in 2039.
I hope Waupun also celebrates the city hall’s centennial in 2028. The building needs some work, and it won’t be cheap, but I believe now is not the time to abandon such a beautiful building. I believe we should reinvest into our beautiful and historic building downtown. As a community, how do we ask local small businesses owners to invest in old buildings downtown, if we as a city aren’t willing to invest in our own?
Waupun is doing a great job of preserving our past, while also preparing for our future. We’re once again branding ourselves as the “City of Sculpture,” we put the Shaler sculptures back on city signage, we fly the city flag, we celebrated a centennial, we honor those who helped shape Waupun with a cemetery walk, and we will invest in our historic buildings! At the same time, we’re investing in our future with a new community center, more downtown attractions, connecting streets on the south east side, nicer park equipment, and money for youth sports. Along with better garbage service and a new railroad crossing, Waupun has got it going on!
Thank you and God Bless,
Mayor Rohn