Mayor's Column

Mayor’s Column — Historical Events and City Changes

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Mayor’s Column October 15th, 2022
Rohn Bishop, Mayor of Waupun

At Tuesday night’s council meeting, I was excited to announce the creation of an ad hoc committee for the purpose of putting together a Centennial Rededication Ceremony for the Recording Angel on October 7, 2023. The committee is being led by Former Mayor and Historical Society Executive Director Kyle Clark and Sue Haefmeyer of Waupun Fine Arts. 

The Recording Angel was dedicated to Waupun on October 11, 1923 by Clarence Shaler and placed at the sight of his wife’s grave, overlooking the Forest Mound Cemetery. She is our city’s oldest sculpture and we felt a rededication ceremony was a proper way to honor her first 100 years.

Speaking of the cemetery, the annual Waupun Historical Society Cemetery walk is coming up on October 29th, following Trick or Treating. The ever increasingly popular walk has become the biggest fundraising event for the Historical Society, and this year it is named in honor of my dad, who started the cemetery walk several years ago. It is a very kind gesture by the Historical Society, and our family is touched by the decision to name the cemetery walk in honor of dad. He loved the cemetery walk, and was very proud of its success! 

In other news, the new sculpture themed wayfinding signage is coming along nicely. Thank you to all who have donated, and if you’d like to donate, please make a check payable to the City of Waupun and the memo line should have Donation for Refacing Wayfinding Signs. 

This past week was terrible for garbage collection, and I’m well aware of it. Believe me! That said, we are switching garbage companies come January. Please be patient for the next two and half months. We’re in this together, and it will get better come January.

On Tuesday, WATCO (the railroad company) was in Waupun working on the railroad crossing at Main St. They ripped up some of the old boards and poured blacktop to get the crossing through the winter. It’s not perfect, I know, but it is better, and we are still on schedule for a total replacement next summer. The railroad crossing is the most common complaint I get (even more than the garbage situation) and it is a top priority of the city, that’s why we passed a resolution ordering the railroad to fix the crossing. 

Finally, I’ve been getting several requests to expand the times that we allow ATV/UTV traffic on city streets. Many overnight shift workers have requested it as well as folks wanting to use an ATV to plow snow. We’ve had very few problems with the ATV/UTV traffic and I have no problem expanding the times. I have asked that this be reviewed, stay tuned.

Thank you and God Bless,

Mayor Rohn